Friday, May 14, 2010


You can adopt a Red Footed Booby for either $25, $50 or $100.
the $100 adption kit includes a Booby soft toy, Framed Certificate and Photo, Gift Box, Optional Gift Bag.
This is a very good oppourtunity as these birds are quite rare and are not often seen by humans, as they spend most of their time, flying over the water to feed. The future of the Booby is threatened by fishers

Booby Facts

Red-Footed Boobies:

Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Average life span in the wild: Over 20 years
Size: 25 to 30 in (64 to 76 cm)
Weight: 30 to 39 oz (850 to 1,100 g)
Group name: Colony
Did you know?
Red-footed boobies may dive some 98 ft (30 m) to pursue prey.

Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:

The Name Booby

Boobies got their name by allowing themselves by to be captured while asleep.
'Booby' comes from the Spanish name bobo which means fool.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Other Types of Boobies

I am doing my blog on the Red Footed Booby, but there are also more different types of boobies, I will now tell you about them:

Blue Footed Booby
Which is the most common of all the boobies. Their natural habitat is between Peru and Mexico. It takes about 2-3 years for a young booby to reach the size of an adult.

Nazca/Masked Booby
The largest of the Galapagos booby can grow to 30 to 35 inches (76 to 89 cm) in length with a wingspan of 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8m). They are identfied by their beautiful white head and patches on their back. They are common in the tropics and are known for nesting along cliff edges and the sea.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Breeding Patterns

Most of these species breed on islands in most tropical oceans. it winters at sea and is therfore rarely seen away from the breeding colonies.

It makes nests in large colonies and lays one chalky blue egg in a nest called a 'stick nest'. This egg is then incubated for 44-46 days by both parents.

It can be three months before the young first fly, and five months before they make extensive flights.

Red footed booby pairs can remain together over several seasons and often display elaborate rituals including harsh squawks and the male's display of his blue throat.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hunting and Eating Patterns

A Booby is a seabird.

They are quite large birds with a big wing span and long sharp bills.
Red-footed Boobies are spectacular divers. They plung into the ocean at high speeds to catch prey. They stay under water and hunt their prey from a depth.
They mainly eat small fish or squid which gather in groups near the surface.
This technique is very good as the booby is a good swimmer.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Red Footed Boobies

The Red Footed Boobies are found in Tropical Islands.
It is seen only rarely off the California coast and at sea off southern Florida, and it breeds in the Hawaiian Islands.

I will tell you about the characteristics of the bird.

Adult Description
Large waterbird
White with black along back edge of wings
Long, pointed, pale gray bill
Long pointed tail
Long pointed wings
Bright red feet

Immature Description
Juveniles are brown all over, with a paler belly and darker colour on the chest.
Wings are all dark underneath.

Hope you like the post, leave me some comments.

I got this picture from this link: